Before & After

Friday, 22 July 2011

Our Take on the Pottery Barn Exeter Mason Jar Chanderlier

this is the one from pottery barn 
I mean you can see why I was in LOVE?
Yup, it was LOVE at first sight. The Pottery Barn Exeter Mason Chandlier. Priced at $399.99 U.S. I completely fell obsessed with this light when I seen it. It was a MUST HAVE on my list.. It would go perfect with our new decor and our gorgeous new Benchwright Pottery Barn Dining Set. So of course me being the budget queen, I was on the hunt to find one cheaper? Was it possible? Probably not.. but I was gonna find it... well after a month or so..  no luck. We went to order it on the PB website to only find out that you can't get it in Canada :( Booo :( I was devasted. But then, luck changed! Pottery Barn announced that they will be shipping internationally~ YAY!!! So the DAY of the big change I got online and went to order it.. .are you ready? I went to check out and I could NOT believe my eyes... $508.00 CAD.. PLUS TAX, SHIPPING AND DUTY! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? I honestly could not get over it... Here we are with a stronger dollar and the mark up on this crap was UNREAL. It came to $618.32 CAD. There was obviously NO way this was happening. Sooo Ross and I put our heads together lol and came up with our OWN plan. We were gonna make it. I was lucky enough to find a lady out in Waterloo, ON that had 12 Mason Jars with the original lids, that were 35yrs old. My friend Brian was nice enough to have his company Mackinnon Metals make our metal piece that we sized out and designed - TY, Brian! and then everything else was at the local Depot :) .. we painted the metal piece to our desired colour and put this all together.... all I have to say is WOW! I could not be ay happier! This piece came out 100 x better than I thought it would and we are sooooo glad we did not buy it from Pottery Barn! It looks so much nicer, its handmade BY US and it's our pride and joy now :D haha... Im in LOVE. Check it out for yourself :) Oh and guess how much it cost us? to the dime? $ 134.75 CANADIAN HANDMADE Baby! haha...


  1. OMG Brit, it looks amazing!!!! Great job and great deal, this will give you such satisfaction for years to come!
